Should you buy a Lagoon Catamaran?

Lagoon Catamaran Owners Review

Pierre Skinner, a Lagoon owner who lives in Australia answers what his favourite thing about his boat is and what he would say to anyone who is thinking about buying a catamaran.

The Lagoon 440 owner states that his favourite thing about his boat is the headroom. As a 6’6″ man I think this says a lot about the volume!

Pierre’s favourite place to travel on his Lagoon is the outer reefs, places like Lady Musgrave, Bait Reef or Little Black Reef.

When asked what he would say to anyone thinking about buying a Lagoon Catamaran he answered, “I would say go for it, don’t wait just do it, worry about the rest later.”


How to Fly a Code Zero on a Catamaran

How to Fly a Code Zero on a Catamaran

In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of flying a Code Zero on a catamaran, specifically the Lagoon 46. Join our expert, Joe Fox, as he walks you through the setup, preparation, and manoeuvres involved in harnessing the power of this versatile sail.

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